Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Travis and Phillip: Iwo Jima Flag Raising

For your comments on Presentations:

First, write about something well done.  What did you learn from this group?  What part of the Presentation seemed the best?  Be specific, and use a specific example from the Presentation and your notes.

Second, offer constructive criticism that would help this group. What might have been more clear?  What part of the Presentation seemed the least polished?  Be specific.


  1. I learned things I never knew about Iwo Jima with this presentation. I had known that it was important, but I never really knew why. The only thing I would have liked to see was more enthusiasm in the presentation, although I know it wasn't necessarily a happy topic.

  2. You guys had a really good power point and I really liked your use of pictures and maps to explain your topic. At times though, the presentation was a little choppy.

  3. I thought it was kinda cool but also crazy that there had been 10 different volcanic eruptions on the island. Something to improve would be to maybe practice a little bit more to become more comfortable talking in front of class.

  4. I liked how you included the real life footage of Iwo Jima, but I agree with Gabby on the lack of enthusiasm in the presentation.

  5. I think for both of you guys better eye contact and Travis you stumbled on a lot of words, maybe more practice. Phillip you read off of the PowerPoint a lot. I think the PowerPoint and the video was great! The video I liked because it gave a visual of what happened.

  6. A well developed thesis provided for an informative and interesting presentation, however, more intonation in speaking would have been nice.

  7. Over all, great presentation, but the monotone speaking made it hard to be fully engaging.

  8. You did well to explain how the battle effected U.S. war decisions going forth with the atom bomb. The presentation seemed choppy at some points.

  9. I think your use of the video gave great context and feeling to your topic. You both shared good, thorough information as well.
    My only criticism would be both of your guys' lack of enthusiasm. It downplayed your topic a tad and made an important subject come across as lackluster!

  10. Presentation was very precise with numbers, from causalities to distance from the other islands, etc.

    Room for improvement: presentation was very slow at times and at others the presentation was near inaudible from how quiet the speakers were.

  11. I think that you guys were knowledgeable about the subject and allowed us to understand the environment of the subject.

    I think that the video was kind of long for this length of a presentation. But the content was good in it.

  12. I thought this was a great presentation with good facts on Iwo Jima, being a huge iconic part of our nation's history. I would add a little more information on the war, and what made the battle so infamous.

  13. I didn't know much about Iwo Jima aside from the famous flag rising, so I enjoyed learning. The slides were informational, but were also wordy.

  14. i really liked how you guys talked about the war after the battle and what it meant. one thing i will say is your information is you were kind of jumping all over the place while talking about Iwo Jima itself

  15. I like the fact that you kind of outlined your presentations main points at the beginning. At some points it seemed like you were reading straight from the slides. If you make a wordy PowerPoint try highlighting key words.

  16. I liked your presentation and I thought it provided an interpretive analysis of Iwo Jima. However, I think you should present with more confidence and I thought the video was a bit too long.

  17. The presenters were knowledgeable in their topic and explained it thoroughly. I would have liked to heard more on the controversy of recapturing the iconic photo.


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