Thursday, September 8, 2016

Exploration Three - Tia Domer

     In Dave Marsh's essay, he uses characterization of people and places to give the readers a good visual of the character or place. He also tries to get the reader to become attached to the places and people as he was. In doing this, Marsh creates a more compelling story and keeps the reader engaged. He describes the industrial growth of his town, and how it impacts his life. I particularly like the part where he describes the dust that is coming from the factory. Its not a major plot line, but it is extremely descriptive and you get a good sense of what it was like to deal with that everyday. "Rust-red dust collected on our windowsills. It piled up no matter how often the place was dusted or cleaned. Fifteen minutes after my mother was through with a room, that dust seemed thick enough for a finger to trace pointless, ashy patterns in it"(135). Marsh also writes really well anytime he talks about music.

     One song that really made an impact on me when I was younger is called "Waiting Outside the Lines" by Greyson Chance. I originally heard about it from a friend. I moved around a lot when I was a kid, and this song was there for me. It gave me a connection to my old friends, and gave me hope. I had some deep connection to it, and it just made sense. The lyrics of this song resonated with me. I still enjoy the song today, even if it is a bit of a little kids song. The lyrics are well written and powerful and make you consider things other than just following the crowd and that its okay to do your own thing
Image result for greyson chance piano in the rain
One of the scenes from the music video


  1. Love Greyson Chance! He's definitely a talented one.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. i can remember almost all of the songs i loved from my childhood. i never realized it then but they meant so much more to me looking back on it

  4. It's cool that you associate this song with a friend. The song has a meaning to you that wasn't even intended by the artist. The song spoke into your personal life and that is a huge aspect of what art is supposed to be.

  5. Well... this is awkward. Both of us used the rust dust section of the story. I have lived within the same square mile my entire life, what I can remember anyway. I don't know if I could handle constantly moving.

  6. I like the picture and how it fits with your story. I have not heard of this artist, but i will look him up.

  7. I used to be obsessed with Greyson Chance


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