Thursday, September 8, 2016

Exploration 3 from Kirsten

In Dave marsh's essay, “Fortunate Son”, he uses characterization of people and places to create vivid pictures in the reader's mind of the scenery and the people he is describing. This way the reader can more easily understand what type of people and what type of place he's talking about. His writing is at its best and most engaging what he is describing his old home. It is the most engaging because he is extremely descriptive and uses examples that the reader can interpret easily. This once again, creates a vivid image of the scene he is writing about. When talking about a song by Smokey Robinson he describes “ The way it [Robinson's voice] twined around impossibly sugary lines and made rhymes with in rhymes, of ordinary conversation, within the limits of everyday vocabulary.”(Marsh, 27).

  I had one personal experience with a song by an artist named Miguel. I recently discovered his newer music and was taken back by how real the lyrics were. And one of his new songs, “Simple Things”, he sings about how his love interest does not need him to be a ‘model’ or ‘movie star’. She only wants the ‘simple things’ from him. This meant a lot to me, as I realized she was saying she only wanted to be with him for him, not because he was famous or had money. Many relationships nowadays are focused on what one person can do for the other. Personally I think that a relationship should be based more on how you feel about the other person versus the benefits of being with them. Miguel makes this point clear in this song, and that is why it had such a strong impact on me.
This is a picture of  Miguel performing. 


  1. I agree with you, relationships should not be based on how much money you have or how famous you are. You should be in a relationship because you care for that person and potentially love that person.

  2. That is such a great a way at looking at dating. I think that it is a rampant view in our society of "looking out for number one." and this song by Miguel shows that he is swimming against the current and standing up for a concept.

  3. That is such a great a way at looking at dating. I think that it is a rampant view in our society of "looking out for number one." and this song by Miguel shows that he is swimming against the current and standing up for a concept.

  4. I agree with your thoughts on the writing is at its best. This section of the story had me most engaged as well. His passionate description of the past creates great visuals. I also like your reasoning for the song you chose :)

  5. I agree with your thoughts on the writing is at its best. This section of the story had me most engaged as well. His passionate description of the past creates great visuals. I also like your reasoning for the song you chose :)

  6. It is very encouraging to see that he feels this way about dating when in today's world it often seems that the rich and famous are only interested in their fellow rich and famous people. Everyone should see things the way he does.


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