Monday, October 31, 2016

Exploration 5-Pauleina May

I had mixed emotions about the video. Some stuff that was said made me angry and other stuff I agreed with. Mr. and Mrs. Fox was one of the stories that I had an issue with. They raised chickens and not because they wanted to or because they like chickens, they raised them for money. They worked for a company which is who supplied them with there income. The environment for the chickens was not an appropriate environment. They were thrown on the ground and was so crowded they had no where to go. Chickens need to have a larger space if they are large flocks. They should have plant diversity access around them because they eat so many different type of plants. They enjoy eating the seeds off of grass and weeds, and they also like some form of shelter. Mr. and Mrs. Fox had shelter for the animals, but the other requirements they did not; the result of that led to poor conditions for there chickens and caused them diseases and chickens getting sick. This was an example of many events that happened that I did not agree with. This video hit home for me in a way because I live on a farm and we used to raise chickens, hogs, cows, horses, rabbits, and dogs. I could never image treating my animals like this and feeding them dead animals. We raise our own hay and we have a local farm that makes our feed, so for us we are able to pick what ingredients we want in the feed. Our animals had grain and hay in front of them at all times. It is a great feeling knowing where your food is coming from and knowing how they were raised. Like Matt said "cheap food isn't "cheap" we have to pay for it in the long run". I agree with him 100% because having a farm is not cheap, but the result of taking care of your animals the right way is very rewarding at the end.


  1. Yeah I believe that they are not treating the animals correctly. They have to have enough space to live in. Farms should mimic the same environment that they previously lived in.

  2. Yeah I believe that they are not treating the animals correctly. They have to have enough space to live in. Farms should mimic the same environment that they previously lived in.

  3. I agree that there needs to be a change in living conditions of our farm animals. They are part of our environment and need to be treated better. Raising healthier livestock will lead us to better food on our plates.


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